Wednesday, November 4, 2009


My friend Cindi pointed out today that I haven't blogged recently. Here I am; blogging :-)

My concern herein: On October 26th I saw Dr. Hammond, my Oncologist at Exeter Hospital. All blood work came back great. He was impressed with my reconstruction and said "Someone might be able to tell you've had surgery, but they will never guess you went through a mastectomy." These words were liberating to me. I had some validation that I in fact do look relatively normal now. This is awesome!

Back to my concern (yes, I know I digress) - I didn't blog about the appointment. I didn't even think to blog about it. Dare I say I've moved on from being convinced that each appointment may bring on another diagnosis of the "C" word to the opposite extreme of falling in to a false sense of security and thinking I am "in the clear" from here on? Lord only knows.

Moving on: Yahoo says we spend 5 years of our lives eating. Based on the severe (yes, 100's if not 1,000's of calories per setting) bingeing I have experienced the past three nights, I would have to add another year or two to my personal total. I do not know where this is coming from. I'm taking this problem day by day and trying to put each day behind me and hope that the next day will include less eating. I will work on this. I will fix it. I have to. There is no way in hell I'm going to re-gain the 20+ pounds which I have lost. Gotta regroup - gotta re-focus. Nothing tastes as good as being thin and healthy feels!

Got my little man back with me tonight. He was with his dad for 5 days and will now be with me for 5. Poor lil' guy has a case of the sniffles.

Ok I'm signing off for the night. As always, thank you for checking in on me.

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