Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today is my last day off -- I return to work tomorrow. I took a long weekend. No plans made but to just "be" and.....it has been monumental for me. I am finally (FINALLY!!!!!! I want to shout it from the rooftops!!!!!) in a 'good' place emotionally!!!! YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instead of feeling sad and depressed and yes, even "sorry" for myself for not having my son with me, I have focused on me, my home, my health....I feel an incredible clarity. It feels great. Beyond great!!!

Life is good!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


...I experience feelings of fear. Fear that, when it crosses my mind, I force down..deep down. I know this is wrong. But I will learn as time goes by how to work through it. My fear is of recurence. This fear is real. I'm told it's very common. But the feeling of "fear" - well...it sucks. I try to deny it. I've got to work on it.

Let's move on:
1. Charlotte is a survivor!! No radiation or chemo required. I'm so happy and so proud of her!! You go girl!!

2. Please pray for Honey Cascio. Honey is a co-worker and sister survivor whose cancer is now metastatic. Honey - you are in our thoughts and prayers.

I think that's it for now.

Sorry it's been so long since I've written.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Powerful statement.....

...at my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday we talked about many things, but one thing I have realized over the past week is that I eat a lot out of 'boredom.'

Well...Kathy my meeting leader said "Boredom is caused when you are avoiding doing something you do not want to do."

HOLY CRAP. I mean really....HOLY CRAP. That statement has gone through my head 100's of times this weekend. I am avoiding decluttering and coleaning up around here. I put it off as much as possible. Well...not anymore. Baby steps, but this too was an eye opening experience. House cleaning is also good exercise so I'll straighten this place out and burn some calories at the same time!

Anyway, Kathy was so happy to see me yesterday - I got huge hugs. She even asked me to stay through the program introduction which is done at the end of the class for new members. Kathy ALWAYS makes me feel good about myself. She has never judge med. She is such a kind and caring person.

Thanks for checking in again.
