Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just another day.

Wanted to send an update and just let everyone know I'm doing ok. I'm following Dr. Hammond's instructions and resting and taking it as easy as possible. Thursday morning I'm going to Dr. Marble's office to have 100 cc's of fluid removed from the tissue expander in my left breast. It was originally put in because there was a possibilty I may have needed radiation and radiation shrinks tissue. So....because I don't need radiation, now I can get some fluid removed and maybe I won't feel so self conscious. The size difference between the right and left breast has made me very, very self conscious. I think I just repeated myself....anyway......

I saw my therapist last night and it is always refreshing to have a positive visit with someone who gets paid to tell you if you're virtually normal or not. I think I have mentioned in the past that I always leave his office feeling better and acknowleding to myself that everything is going to be o.k. He did touch on one thing that helps in my reasoning through some recent emotions. He told me that essentially I was beginning to get on track with moving forward as a single mom and holding my own, but that my diagnosis in January essentially has caused some resentment and frustration to return. But guess what? He said things are going to get better for me eventually!! Yahoo!!! lol!!! I mean....I sure hope he's right! (No pressure Dr. S!!).

I guess that's it for now. Oh wait....I got the most incredible delivery today. My co-workers from RHS sent me a totally self-indulgent gift from 1800flowers. Body lotions, foot lotion, shower gels....the works! And guess what? One complete set is Chocolate and Cocoa scented!!!!! YUM!!!! I have developed a bond with people that I can say I have lacked in the past. Friends mean more to me....co-workers have become friends....my family (immediate and extended) are of great value to me...and you have all helped me to keep my chin up and I thank you and love you all for that.

p.s. I can NOT wait to get back to work!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doris, I am sooooooooo happy to hear that you are feeling better, both mentally and physically! We miss you, but JoAnna is holding down the fort for you! You'd be proud! Keep taking good care of yourself and we look forward to seeing you when we come back in the fall!!!