I saw Dr. Palladino Monday morning. Breast exam went fine.
Told her about abdominal pain and cramping. She poked around a bit and I was in a lot of pain. Suggested CT scan with contrast to start and then possible colonoscopy.
She ordered it asap.
So...it's tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. at Exeter Hospital. Just took my first 1/2 bottle of Barium. It's nasty.
Hard core stress these days. Health....family....work. What is drama and what is worthy of pursuit? What do I let go of and what do I try to fix?
Went back to see Dr. Stenslie, a previous therapist of mine Monday night. I was a wreck and he was able to reign me back in and help me regroup.
That's it for now. Will let you know how tomorrow's test goes.