Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

My friend Nora asked me last night if I miss writing. It's been quite some time since I blogged!!!

My weekend has been great!! Went out Friday night Nora and Diane and Saturday night with Nora and had a lot of laughs. I am hoping to be a lot more active this summer. We shall see.

Thanks to facebook I reconnected with an old friend. His name is Jeff and he is currently living in Texas. We are in contact with each other on a daily basis. It's nice. I have no expectations - just enjoying it.

I signed up for Weight Watchers online (yes, again). I'm going to take it one day at a time.

I am boasting because I am proud of how far I have come, but last night I sent an email to Dan invited him, Jenn, Jake and Ethan to our Easter dinner. I know they already have other plans, but it felt good to be able to offer.

Ok time to get dressed and start moving.

Enjoy your day!!!